Ronin Traynor (pronouns not set)

Ronin Traynor

SAFD Firearms Instructor, BASSC Master Teacher,  Equity Register Fight Director, Action Coordinator

Ronin has directed fights for + 500 productions including commercials, film, motion capture, musicals, opera, TV and numerous theatre shows in the UK and overseas.

Features include The Intent 2 (Best Action Film - National Film Awards) and Olive Green (Best Action & Adventure Film - US International Film & Video Festival). TV credits include work for the BBC, National Geographic and commercials for Nike, Domino's, B&Q, Heineken, Seagram’s and McCoys.

Game credits include over 14 years work on Sega's BAFTA winning Total War series, , Playstation's Erica and Kill Zone Mercenary.

Ronin is President and a Master Teacher with the British Academy of Stage & Screen Combat, Ronin is also Master At Arms at the International Actor academy, and founder of Independent Drama providing action services to the film and theatre industry along with training for actors and stunt performers.

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Skill Proficiency History

Date Weapon Location Grade