Jessica Pennachio
Advanced Actor Combatant
Currently residing in Chicago, Jessica has a B.A in Theatre Performance from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she studied Physical Theatre, Circus, and Shakespeare. After graduating, she moved to Chicago to complete the Actor’s Gymnasium Professional Circus Training Program where she obtained a Certificate of Completion with a focus in Partner Acrobatics and a minor in Juggling.
She started her stage combat journey at the end of 2020 and is an Advanced Actor Combatant with the SAFD. She obtained 8 certificates under the instruction of Fight Master, Chuck Coyl, and was in the first SPR class offered at Open Gate Movement Arts to receive her last certificate. She feels very fortunate to have joined the group of "Kevin's" as one of Chuck's assistants at the Actor's Gymnasium and has also started assisting Open Gate Movement Arts SPT and SPR classes under CT's Dave Gonzalez, Nicky Jasper, and Mikey Saubert. Jessica loves studying martial arts, stunt training, attending regional stage combat workshops, and doing makeup for film.
She looks forward to seeing where this journey takes her, onwards and upwards!