How are SPT/SPR test fees calculated?

For EACH weapon skill test or renewal a student attempts, the online SPT ADJUDICATION REPORT automatically calculates the total fee owed to the SAFD. The person creating the adjudication report must enter a score of "basic pass",  "recommended pass", or "incomplete or not passed" in order for the report to calculate fees correctly.


What is the process for paying SPT fees owed to the SAFD, and how do I accomplish that?

There are two ways to pay for SPT fees owed to the SAFD:

  1. You can send a check made payable to the SAFD by regular mail to:

    3501 N. Southport Ave. #302
    Chicago, IL 60657
  2. You can pay your SAFD fees using our secure online payment processor, paypal. 

The SPT Adjudication Report asks the author to decide which payment option will be used to pay SAFD test fees and new membership fees.


  • If the Secured online payment option is selected, upon saving the new report, the author will be redirected to the payment form where he/she can complete the transaction.
  • If "I will mail my test fee via regular mail" option is selected, upon saving the new report, the author will be redirected to a quick invoice view of the report, which can be downloaded and printed for his/her records.

Upon completing and saving your new report, you will also receive an email that contains a summary of the event, links to return to the report you just created, links to print either a full or quick invoice of the event, and a link that will take you to the online payment form to pay your fees/dues if you so desire.